Join our Brigham Chapter for Bingo for Boomsticks. Every round wins a boomstick!
Their will be 11 rounds played!
This Bingo will be western themed with most guns being "western".
Levers, six shooters and break action guns!
Wear your best western attire and get entered into a special drawing!!!
Bingo cards with donations as follows:
$50 Donation: 1 drink ticket and comes with a single pack of Bingo cards for 10 games

$100 Donation: 2 drink tickets with 3 cards per game for 10 games

$150 Donation: 3 Drink tickets with 6 cards per game for 10 games

$200 Donation: 4 Drink tickets and includes 9 cards per game for 10 games WITH 4 cards for the 11th round!
11th round card
1 for $20 donation or 4 for $50 donation
For more information or to buy tickets text/call:
Additional beverages will be available for purchase. We look forward to having you out and are excited to have you join and support Ducks Unlimited.