Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 10:00am
Join us for a family fun run from Inlet View Elementary out along the Coastal Trail. This race has one downhill at the beginning along N st. and is flat after that! Set an early season PR or trot with along with the whole family. The Salmon Run is a great spring race to kick off your running season.
Inlet View Elementary is located in downtown Anchorage, and is one of the oldest, traditional neighborhood elementary schools in our town. Today, with money raised through events like the Salmon Run, we are able to provide reading tutoring, supplemental math programs, after-school Spanish classes, writing workshops, art, music and physical education assemblies as well as busses for field trips, scholarships, financial assistance for meals, and classroom support.
DAY OF BIB PICK-UP 8:30- 9:30am in the school gymnasium.