Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 7:00am
The Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Triathlon & AquaBike will be held at Meeman Shelby Forest on Saturday April 26, 2025 starting at 7:00am.
We are super excited about the new venue and the introduction of the Olympic distance events for 2025. With is early season date, this event should make for a great way to kick off your triathlon season.
Triathletes will receive a custom Tee, finishers medal, hamburger and hot dog lunch including water melon, chocolate milk and ice cream from Prairie Farms, and beer by Hookpoint Brewing.
Event participants will receive a chance to win a Giant bike and bike gear, compliments of sponsor Bikes Plus. Participants must be present to win.
The transition area will be located on the grassy area near the Nature Center at Poplar Tree Lake.