Annual Deer Santa Festival

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024 at 4:00pm

Pike County Courthouse
100 E Washington Street

The 6th Annual Deer Festival is coming up around the Square in Pittsfield. The event is being organized by Picture Pittsfield, The Crossing Church Pittsfield, the Pittsfield Lions Club, the City of Pittsfield and Pike County Chamber and Economic Development.

A detailed schedule of events being developed and will be posted later, but event highlights include:
Visits and photos with Santa at the William Watson Hotel begin at 4 PM, continue to 6 PM. Santa’s Mailbox will be set up at the Santa house on the west side of the Square for kids to drop off their letters to Santa. Letters dropped off before December 16 will be answered. Letters can be dropped off after that date, but a response is not guaranteed.

Beginning at 4:15 PM there will be live performances by S&S School of Dance students who will perform from 4:15 to 4:30. The Crossing Band will perform from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The Lions will be selling cotton candy, cocoa and S’mores throughout the event and we are planning to have pony rides for the kids (for a fee).
In addition to the band performance, the Crossing will host a Nativity scene on the southeast quadrant of the Square, with live animals for the kids to view. The Crossing will also set up their electronic Christmas Tree on the south side of the Square next to the Pike County Government building. The formal lighting of the tree will occur at the end of the evening, after the musical performance.

Mayor Gary Mendenhall will officiate the Lighting of the Tree immediately following the concert, at approximately 5:30 PM.
The Pittsfield Public Library will offer another one of their extremely popular StoryWalks around the Square.