B and A Trail Marathon and Half Marathon

Sunday, Mar 30, 2025 at 7:30am

Severna Park High School
60 Robinson Road

The B&A Trail Marathon & Half-Marathon is a fast, fun, well-supported, and low-pressure event along the B&A Trail. The Annapolis Striders held the first B&A Trail Marathon in 1992 and added the half marathon in 1996.


The course will run approximately two miles on residential streets with the remainder on the B&A Trail; an asphalt rails-to-trails bike and running path.  There is only one significant hill on the course for both the half-marathon and the marathon.  The marathon course and the half-marathon course are each USATF certified (the marathon course is a Boston qualifier). We will make an effort to have volunteers act as course monitors/traffic controllers at turns and places where the B&A Trail intersects at grade with local roads. Although the B&A Trail is closed to automobile traffic, it is open to walkers, bikers, and other runners so we ask that you stay alert and courteous.

Age Limit

Runners must be at least 13 years of age on race day for the half-marathon and at least 16 years of age on race day for the marathon.


All finishers will receive a commemorative medal.

Ther will awards for the male and female overall winners of both the marathon and the half-marathon. In addition, there will be awards for male and female masters runners of both races, and awards for male and female runners who finish at the top of their respective age groups.

No cash prizes are offered.  

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