Bridge 2 Bridge Run

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 at 7:00am

The Georgetown Bridge2Bridge Run (:B2B") brings back all of your favorites, the 5K, the 12K, and the Half Marathon.  All the B2B events are designed to showcase the many wonderful features of Georgetown County located in and around the City of Georgetown. All the runners will start at the Rice Museum Clock Tower on Front Street and navigate past historic landmarks (the Winyah Indigo Society Hall, Georgetown County Museum, the Kaminiski House, the old Georgetown County Court House and several historic homes) and through scenic areas of Georgetown. The 12K and Half Marathon participants will leave the City of Georgetown and run over the Waccamaw, Pee Dee, and Black Rivers. The 12K and Half Marathon turns around shortly after crossing the rivers, heading back over the bridges. The Half Marathon participants continue over the Sampit River bridge into Cravens Grant and back over the Sampit River bridge. Both courses return the runners to the Historic District of Georgetown and will finish in front of the Maritime Museum. The 5K course does not leave the Historic District of Georgetown and finishes at the same place as the other races. There will be live music and beer garden at the finish line for participants, spectators, and residents. All participants will receive a T-Shirt and finisher medal. Special medals will be awarded to those that place in their age group and receive a winner medal.

​Please note, no refunds and no dogs are allowed for any distance, and all mandatory cut off point times must be met for the half marathon. We do not expect any delays for the start, but if an unforeseen delay of the start happens, the 10 mile and 12 mile cutoff times will NOT be adjusted. We recommend walkers do the 12K or 5K, but if you choose to walk and fall behind pace, you will be picked up by the sag wagon. Strollers are allowed in the 5K race but must start in the back of the start line.  Runners that participate in the 12K and the Half Marathon must be to the Half Marathon mile 12 marker and off Highway 17 by 10am.

Mandatory Cutoff Times:

4 Miles - 8:00 AM - if you arrive here after the cutoff, you will be turned around and switched to the 12K.
6.5 Miles - 8:38 AM
10 Miles - 9:30 AM
12 Miles - 10:00 AM


Half Marathon: $125
12K: $80
5K: $50

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