Great Marsh Mud Mosey

Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 at 10:00am

34 Moores Road

Welcome to the Second Annual Great Marsh Mud Mosey which feature a 5Kish run throughout a very unique private property in Northern Chester County.  The race proceeds will be donated to the Great Marsh Institute and ChesCo Search Dogs. The race and walk both start at 10:00 AM.


The course is relatively flat but will pass along through the marsh ponds on the property, alongside wooded boundaries past 100's of acres of farm land and then into the muddy portion of the property and then the last mile or so will be on a grassy surface to the finish line.

The Mud

While we cant promise a repeat of last years mudfest as mother nature was very generous with lots of spring rain. If you would like to take a glimpse of one of the muddier sections, feel free to watch a camera we had set up on the course.


As this is a working farm (when races are not being held) and we will have the ChesCo Search Dogs on property, we ask that you do not bring your pets to the race.

Gear Check

This is a rain or shine event! Remember to dress for the event! Its called the Mud Mosey for a reason. Almost guaranteed to get Muddy! 

Please check this space for updates in case of inclement weather conditions.

Click Here For Registration:



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