Howard Aslinger Endurance Run

Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 7:00pm

410 Kiwanis Drive

The Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Scholarship will award scholarships to several candidates based on applicatons received. Funds may be used for any type of education from university to vocational training or for special needs education.

The Howard L. Aslinger Memorial Scholarship Foundation is an organization to encourage individuals with disabilities to further their education.

Howard L. Aslinger was born June 20, 1940 and passed away on June 16, 2009. While here withus he made a huge impact on all that met him.

When he was 11 years old he contracted polio which therefore put him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He did not let this inconvenience stand in his way to lead an active and productive life.

Howard was president of Rotary and Jaycees and was JCI senator #22234, and was active in every sport you could imagine. He was a great coach to all his daughters and many other young athletes. He helped get the Cape Area Youth Soccer Association (CAYSA) program going and was CAYSA president and CAYSA select president. He was very influential in getting boys and girls soccer programs at the high school level in Southeast Missouri.

He was an American Family Insurance agent for 32 years. Before that he worked as Hahs-Stiegmeyer Insurance and his first job was with Otto Dingeldin.

He married Jean Phillips and had 3 daughters; Shelley, Kari, and Kim. Now he also has 7 beautiful grandchildren 

He never let his inconvenience get in his way of being a succes. Since he did not have all the opportunities that he deserved when he was younger he always said he would like to start a scholarship for people with disabilites to further their education. So in honor and memory of him we are making thiis possible

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