Jax Poetry Fest

Monday, Apr 14, 2025 at 12:00pm


The 10th Annual Jax Poetry Fest will kick off on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 with 100% FREE in-person and virtual events, performances, and exhibits. Check out our full schedule below filled with workshops, poetry performances and more! A big thank you to our partners and sponsors who make this community event possible.

Schedule Of Events

The Poetry of Place, featuring Jennifer Wolfe

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Register on Eventbrite

Join Jennifer Wolfe for an inspiring poetry circle generating ideas on how to create fast poems tied to the places and spaces of your own knowing. We will read poetry, write poetry, and cross-talk about the meaning behind our words. There will be multiple opportunities to write.

Jennifer Wolfe is a writer, trained journalist, and publisher of the annual anthology, (a) river writing. She is the founder and executive director of Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville, a writing community that offers writing circles, art exhibitions, community events, annual publications, and community collaborations to bring the art of writing and the practices of community together in Jacksonville.