Jax Poetry Fest

Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 at 12:00pm


The 10th Annual Jax Poetry Fest will kick off on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 with 100% FREE in-person and virtual events, performances, and exhibits. Check out our full schedule below filled with workshops, poetry performances and more! A big thank you to our partners and sponsors who make this community event possible.

Schedule Of Events

Virtual Poetry Workshop

Nine Lines: Writing The Nonet Poem, featuring Yvette Angelique, MA-TLA, CMT-P, MBSR-Q

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Register on Eventbrite

Join Yvette Angelique to have some fun writing a nonet- a really cool poetic form. This nine-line poem follows a descending syllable pattern: nine, eight, seven, and so on, concluding with a single syllable. Nonet poems are free to use with any rhyme scheme or topic.

Yvette Angelique (MA-TLA, CMT-P, MBSR-Q), a poet, is the founder of Narratives for Change, a social justice art and mindfulness education practice. She uses storytelling to heal, create art, and raise consciousness on cultural issues, leading us toward liberation. Prioritizing people of the global majority, her work stresses slowing down, body awareness, cultural experience, and present moment awareness—especially for writers and folks leading community change.

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