Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 at 9:00am
This groundbreaking three-day event is for anyone and everyone who’s eager to be part of the exciting future of women in magic.
9:00-10:00a - If You Want Someone to Think, Give Them Cause to Wonder Lisa Menna - Lecture Hall
9:00-10:00a - Exploring the Divine Feminine. Luna Shimada - The Lounge
10:00a - Marketplace Opens - Marketplace
10:15-11:15a - The Business Side of Show Business Caroline Ravn - Lecture Hall
10:15-11:15a - Making Waves and Magic at Sea Karen Maybury Webb - Lounge
10:15-11:15a - Nothing Can Topit Randi Burton - Knowledge Kauldron
11:30-12:30p - Sharing the Spotlight: Fishbowl Talk The Conjurors Mistie and Kyle Knight and open space for group discussion - The Lounge
11:30-12:30p - Continuous Improvement of Our Magic Alyx Hilshey - Lecture Hall
12:30-2:00p - Lunch Break- Optional Meetup Groups - See Booklet
2:00pm - Marketplace Closes - Marketplace
2:00-3:00p - Generational Panel Hosted by Connie Boyd- Fay Presto, Joan Dukore. Rachel Wax, Raven Luck - Lecture Hall
3:00-4:30pm - Marketplace Final Sales! - Marketplace
3:15-4:15pm - Your Introduction Hits the Stage Before You Do! Jan Rose - Lecture Hall
3:15-4:15pm - Sound and Storytelling Sebby Woldt - The Lounge
4:30-5:30pm - Creativity and inventing magic: How Not to be a "A Cover Band Magician" Abby Segal - Lecture Hall
4:30-5:30pm - Sensitive Reading: Cold Reading for Magic, Mysticism, and the Matriarchy Krystyn Lambert - The Lounge
4:30-6:45pm - Manipulation, Movement. and Play Jam Session - Knowledge Kauldron
5:45-6:45pm - How To Become A Powerful Brand Diana Zimmerman - Lecture Hall
6:45pm - Howl at the Sunset - Parking Lot
8:30pm - Academy of Magical Arts Closing Gala Showcase - Chrome Showroom (1st floor)
Midnight - Howl at the Moon - Parking Lot
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