Na Holo Wahine 5K and 1Mile

Sunday, May 11, 2025 at 7:00am

310 W. Kaahumanu Ave.

Valley Isle Road Runners presents the 46th Annual Na Holo Wahine Fun Run/Walk.  THIS EVENT IS NOW OPEN TO ALL MALES & FEMALES!  

Please join us May 11th, 2025! The event will start at 7:00am. Take care of yourselves be active, get fit, and stay healthy. We encourage you to work toward walking, jogging, or running a 5K.

The event will be held at the University of Hawaii-Maui College located at 310 W. Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului.  Packet pickup will be on Saturday, May 10th at UH-Maui College building from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. We are also taking donations during packet pickup for Maui Food Bank, please bring non-perishable items.

Race day packet pickup will be available.  No new registrations will be accepted.  Please register early for your Women's Na Holo Wahine shirt (make sure to select your size when registering).  Late registration at packet pickup is $40.  No guarantee of a t-shirt or the correct size for registrations received after April 30th, 2025.

Click Here for Registration:

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