Roy Open Rodeo

Sunday, Jun 15, 2025

37 Miles Northeast of Lewiston

The Father's Day Rodeo in Roy is a community event like no other. Located about 37 miles Northeast of Lewiston, Roy is one of Central Montana's smaller communities. Each year, the community hosts an open rodeo that takes place on Father's Day weekend.

Events include: saddle bronc 'top 5' Ride-Off & Calcutta Dally Ribbon Roping, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, Calcutta Auction Tie Down Roping, Ladies Barrel Race, and Ladies & Kids' Breakway Roping.

In addition to good food, professional stock, and talented cowboys, roy hosts a dance and Calcutta auction. The dance and auction take place the night before the rodeo and make a great start to Father's Day festivities.

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