Saratoga Third Annual Turkey Trot

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 9:00am

Start your Thanksgiving Day with us for the Third Annual Turkey Trot now in SARATOGA!

Gather your friends & family and join us for the in-person run/walk! This run will be held in Rawlins AND Saratoga this year! The Saratoga route will begin and end at the Hot Pools.

If you won't be here, we will have a virtual option available too. That means anyone can support our cause from anywhere!! All 5k registrations receive a custom Turkey Trot medal and t-shirt.


7:30 am - Registration and Packet Pickup begins.

8:45 am - Lil Turkeys Sprint for children 4 & up. The littlest turkey trotters will get the chance to walk, skip, crawl or run to complete a 200 meter dash.
Survivor Lap will follow. We invite anyone who has battled cancer to take a lap around the track so that we may honor them and their fight against Cancer.

9:00 am - 5k fun run/walk event begins

Click here to Register.

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