Spring Stampede 5K and Color Fun Run

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 8:30am

Municipal Field
134 Main Street

Join The Educational Foundation of the Chesters for this year's Spring Stampede.  The Ed Foundation will be hosting the race on Saturday, April 26th. Register by March 21 to take advantage of the discounted rate and to secure your newly designed race t-shirt! Early registration fee is $35.00 for the 5K and $15.00 per individual for the fun run (children under 4 are free).  Prices increase to $45.00 for the 5K and $25.00 per individual for the fun run after March 21.  All early registrants are guaranteed one of our newly designed race shirts and anyone who registers after will receive one subject to availability.  Each racer will also have the chance to enter to win one of the raffles that have been generously donated.  In addition to the top 3 winners of the race, all 5K racers will receive a participant medal! 

Click Here For Registration: