St. Patrick's Day Shamrock 'n Roll Beach 5k and Paws 2K

Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 at 9:00am

101 Buenos Aires Street

Event Schedule:

8am - Packet Pickup & Day of Registration Opens

9am - 5K Run/Walk Begins (no animals allowed, south route) 

9:05am - Paws 2K Run/Walk Begins (Leashed-Dogs only with Owner, north route)

St. Patty PAWS 2K Walk -- Restrictions - Dogs MUST be Leashed at all times. This activity is restricted to well-behaved dogs only. A vet will be on site, and each pup will get a poop bag. There will be a dog water station, however bringing your own is recommended. This is a fun run/walk (bib required for any dog on beach sand, 2k is not chip timed). Prizes given to best dressed/themed.

Shirts are only guaranteed for the first 350 registrations. During Registration Process it ONLY shows shirts still available. Therefor, if it allows you to select a shirt size, then you get that shirt size at pickup.

Click Here for Registration:

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