Steps for SOS 5K

Saturday, Apr 5, 2025 at 8:00am

Tradewinds Park
3600 West Sample Road

We are excited to announce that this year, our STEPS FOR SOS 5k Run/Walk is making a special return to our roots in the City of Coconut Creek!  Join us as we celebrate our homecoming at the beautiful Tradewinds Park. 

Don't miss the opportunity to support a wonderful event in a scenic and familiar setting. 

The STEPS FOR SOS 5K Run/Walk raises funds and awareness to provide programs and services to ensure that foster children's lives are filled with hope and promise. Our goal is to raise $155,000 so that our children can continue to thrive. Join us throughout the campaign period by participating in fun contests with incentive prizes, and learning about our mission through stories, mini-kickoffs, and official Kickoff Event!

Event Schedule:

6:30 am - Vendor Set Up

7:00 am - Registration Opens

7:30 am - Event Warm Up

8:00 am - Race Starts (5K Runner start time)

8:05 am - Walker start time

9:10 am - Top Runner and Award Winner Recognition

10:30 am - Event Ends


Additional Awards will be given in the following categories:

Top Individual Fundraiser

Top Team Fundraiser

Team Spirit Award (Best Dressed Team)

Click Here For Registration:



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