Turkey Scramble

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:30am

1530 w Jackson

Children 12 and under 15.00  Adults 5k 30.00 until Nov 15th 35.00 Adults until Nov 15th 40.00

The course for Turkey Scramble 5k 2024 We will start at the front of the OC, then head around the OC and down to the Ozark Vo-Tech Parking Lot and around the building  then back down to the Finley River Bridge long side Finley River all the way up to The OC Trail. Then back up to The OC. The end has a small slope but for the most part the course is level for all walkers/runners and provides a nice scenic view of the river and business district of Ozark Mo.  Finish Line: Managed by Ridge Runner Sports. Ozark Racing Systems, Springfield, MO Awards: 

Individuals All registered runners/walkers guaranteed t shirt Nov 15th Turkey Scramble runners will receive Finisher Medal 

Overall winners (male & female) 5k Gift Card & Trophy Awards Age Groups 1st place 10-u, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-up Pre-Race Celebration: Refreshments, awards, and drawings for GREAT DOOR PRIZES for registered runners!

Turkey Scramble, Best  costume contest, one award.  Proceeds will be going towards 417Running Christmas with a cop program and GC Ozark Day with the Mayor and Ozark Police 

Run with 5k Doggie division 1st place male and female no age groups ....please start in the back and pets must be on a leash    

Out Of Town 5k is a totally separate race for those that can not attend but still want the swag ( same age groups apply ) 5k,Trophy Awards Age Groups 1st place 10-u, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-up Please send in your times by Nov 29th 9pm to 417Running@gmail.com

Each year, a portion of the proceeds from the run are donated back to the community. 
The Turkey Scramble mission is to raise money for the Ozark community. The County Commissioner and Police Chief will pick an OZARK DAY. They will be passing out gift cards and cheer to random Ozark patrons. Also a portion of the proceeds will be used for the 4C Sertoma adopt a kid for Christmas program.

Click Here For Registration:

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