Valley Thaw Out Races

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 10:00am

4350 Bodenburg Loop

Come join us as we celebrate the start of running season in Alaska with the Valley Thaw Out Races!

The Valley Thaw Out Races are a fundraiser for the MatSu Running Club, a non profit group offering coached running workouts and group runs throughout the spring and summer.

Grab your friends, family, and cohorts and sign up to run some spring miles together! There is a distance for everyone at this family friendly race. A 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and a kids 1K fun run!

Event Schedule:

Half Marathon: 10:00AM

10K: 10:30AM

5K: 11:00AM

Kids Run: 11:30AM


All races will start and finish at Pyrah's Pioneer Peak Farm on Bodenburg Loop. 4350 Bodenburg Loop, Palmer, AK 99645

5K: Course will be an out and back on Bodenburg Loop. (Ages 7+)

10K: Runners will head out on Bodenburg Loop until they reach the Glenn Highway, they will then turn RIGHT onto the bike path and run down to the next Bodenburg Loop Rd where they will turn RIGHT again and follow the road back to Pyrah's. Full disclosure...this full loop is just a bit longer than a strict 10K. (Ages 7+)

Half Marathon: Runners will head out on Bodenburg Loop until they reach the Glenn Highway, they will then turn LEFT onto the bike path and continue on the bike path until the turnaround by Virginia Ave. From the turnaround they will take the bike path to the SECOND Bodenburg Loop Rd where they will turn RIGHT and follow the road back to Pyrah's. (Ages 10+)

Kid's Run: A fun loop around the beautiful farmlands of Pyrah's Pioneer Peak Farm. (Ages 7 & under. Adult/Older sibling may chaperone runner.)

Click Here For Registration:

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