Verges Holiday Festival and Tour of Homes

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024

Elkhorn Valley Museum and Research Center
515 Queen City Boulevard

Join us December 8th for the Elkhorn Valley Museum’s Tour of Historic Homes & Verges Holiday Festival, where you will embark on a magical journey through some of the oldest neighborhoods in Norfolk, beautifully adorned for the holiday season. The festivities will kick off with a delightful Cocoa & Cookie Reception at the museum, setting the perfect tone for an afternoon of exploration. As you stroll through charming homes, you’ll have the chance to hear about the history and the architecture of the homes. The evening will culminate back at EVM’s historic Verges Park with a heartwarming tree lighting ceremony, followed by a Holiday Beer & Wine Tasting featuring the lively tunes of the Holiday Jam Band. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate the spirit of the season while supporting a great cause

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