Westerville Lions Rudolph 5K Run/Walk

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024 at 2:30pm

Westerville Sports Complex
325 North Cleveland Avenue

The Westerville Lions Rudolph Run/Walk 5K is a family-encouraged 5K event. This year we have a new course at the Westerville Sports Complex. We will have Santa, food trucks, and activities for families and spectators. The Rudolph Run/Walk 5K will generate funds to benefit Westerville area organizations.


1:30 PM - Race day check-in and packet pickup will begin underneath the shelter building at the Westerville Sports Complex
2:30 PM - The Rudolph 5K Run/Walk is underway! A 5K run that runs through the Sports Complex and around Heritage Park... you can't beat that! Please note: there will be no late starts allowed. All participants must start the event at 2:30 PM sharp and be complete by 4:00 pm.
3:30 PM - Awards announcements at the finish line.  
4:00 PM - All participants must be complete!  


Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 overall finishers (male and female)

1st overall male and female: $150
2nd overall male and female: $100
3rd overall male and female: $50

We will also have prizes for age groups winners for both genders:

19 and under
20-29 years old
30-39 years old
40-49 years old
50-59 years old
60-69 years old
70 and up


5K registrants - Register prior to Nov. 1, and save $5! On Nov. 1, the price of the 5K will increase from $35 to $40. *Please note that this special early registration price for the 5K does not apply to the Elementary School Challenge, which is already discounted at $30.

Click here to Register

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