North Lakeland Discovery Center

215 County Highway West


The Discovery Center connects people with nature in Wisconsin's Northwoods. Our mission is to promote stewardship of the region's natural and cultural resources.

About Us:-

NLDC can be described as a nature-based education and community center. Our market is regional, appealing to people who live, own second homes and vacation in Wisconsin’s Northwoods. An expanding market is organized groups interested in nature-recreation opportunities and programs. These include groups such as Conservation Leadership Camp and Urban Ecology Center. The Center differentiates itself by:

The diverse, undeveloped land surrounding us, providing an unparalleled teaching environment including lake, river, mixed forest and bog.

Broad audiences not limited to specific interests, but that share commonality in their care and connection to our Northwoods environment.

A strong, loyal membership base; and positive relationships with community businesses, schools and Towns.

Explore our current program offerings, and you will find learning adventures for adults, families and children – welcoming guests and members alike. From guided bird walks to canoe trips; pontoon cruises to cosmic campfires; and full-moon snow-shoe hikes to adult lectures and workshops; the North Lakeland Discovery Center provides lifelong learning and enriches the lives of residents and visitors alike.


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